I'm starting a new group...
While the name is already being used, I felt it appropriate to name my group after the name of the... well, after what I decided to do (along with a number of others SCREWED by Larry Klein over the past seven years) -- "Out Larry Klein".
Mind you... it COULD become an association... (if so, I would "Grandfather" you in). Or, it might be just a loosely knit group like the Moose Lodge...
I'm leaning toward "Fraternal Brotherhood of the Out Larry Klein"... damnit, that name sucks!
OK, please send your input... the "theme" must remain "Out Larry Klein".
If you can put Moose, Elk, Masons or Mormons in there where it doesn't take away from the core theme? Well, I have $18 and I'll file it with the county seat!
Wait... I want to vote right now to "Grandfather" Brian Williams into the "fraternal order". It's apparent the he thinks the "Javelin Gambit" is bogus and a fellow charter member sent me his pitch from yesterday!
This is some funny shi.... stuff!
Maybe all the money he owes is why neither of the two hair transplants he tried on 2005/2006 never took hold and he remains bald and homely to this day ;)
As a former executive (number 2 to Larry Klein) who is owed well in excess of $15,000 plus interest and penalties, I can tell you the ruse is a ruse and everything you folks type here is accurate and correct. What's the biggest shame of it all is that NF Com was a great company with great employees, but only one problem: Larry Klein. Scamming advisors on how to scam their clients into buying annuities and the like that they don't need isn't much of a business plan. amazing it worked for so long. Having tried and failing to get Larry Kelin to moderate his stance towards how he runs his business, I too, was forced out. Having spoken with the former employees of NF who now work at Javelin, I can tell you, it is ALL Larry Klein no matter how much he wants to hide behind the curtain and pretend he is THE GREAT &POWERFUL OZ. But, all of us whom he owes money too, including Ed Slott's $100+k due that never got paid, the printer just stuck with the $10k tab, my thousands, countless other employees never paid up - guess what, our attorney has pierced the corporate veil and Larry is about to be sued personally, so he may even have to downgrade his luxury auto form that 1989 Mitsubishi he drive.
I love the jib of your jab, former #2! I once made the mistake of claiming that onerous position as well.
Quite possibly, other then the "puttin' to" Cleo Goodwin gave Larry AFTER she was fired, I may be one of the few that got my money before I quit!
I always felt sorry for Ed, but he was warned several times prior to the first event. I've often wondered how bad Larry screwed him. (I guess you just answered my question!)
Seeing as Barry Picker is freely telling people that NF is dead on the advisor chat boards, I can only assume that he got shafted as well.
Please note: Your attorney better be fast... I guarantee that sales taxes haven't been paid... unemployment hasn't been...
You know damn well he's got IRS problems and the "powers that be" will all have the "long arm of the law" up his ass in no time.
Not to mention three hotels... all the dumb dummies that are scheduled to go to the CRFA event in January that will be held in some field because the hotel cut him off...
Lawrence Townsend (Larry's attorney) hasn't been paid...
I could do this all day long!
wow, how sad to hear how bad things had gotten.
Just a year ago, NF seemed poised for growth - where did it all go wrong, somebody please tell me?
"...a year ago it seemed poised..."
Wow, welcome to "Shyster 101".
Any business being ran by the likes of a Larry Klein will eventually emplode.
Sometimes the business grows to the multi-billion dollar level like Worldcom or ENRON.
Larry Klein is a low level, low brow shyster...
Unlike Ken Lay and his ilk; the pathetic shysters like Larry Klein end up with a business that can do little more then flop in a pool of its creators own excrement.
Low grade shysters can't get past a few million dollar level, (and most of that is owed to previous vendors).
What you are watching (in real time) is Larry Klein putting himself in prison for the rest of his life...
Barry, Jason, Joe and the sales staff that "migrated" from NF Communications to Javelin will likely turn "State's evidence" when they are presented with the option of being indicted with felony fraud charges or "outting" Larry Klein
Is the attorney going to advertise for more people screwed by Larry. Some of others would like to get in on this, assuming there's anything left to get in on.
that would be the start of vindication for so many, don't you agree?
I truly wonder, though, what the legal ramifications will actually be for Larry - somehow, one has to think he'll find a way to slither out of it all and return to screw again another day, sort of like he did with those blind old ladies who he scammed out of their money.
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