Am I the only person on the planet that wants to know if Larry Klein got bumped off by the thugs at Javelin? Or maybe his own staff after he heartlessly fired them just 10 days before Christmas...
C'mon people!
Something is just wrong... Larry goes missing at 5 p.m. 12/15/06... his office is gutted just hours later... his "trademarked" and "copyrighted" materials keep showing up on Javelin's site...
Is Larry alive? Why is Javelin stealing his bullshit?
Why people, why?
For the love of God, can't someone answer the question?!!
no one needs anymore proof, it is completely obvious from all the previous posts that Larry has oppened Javelin in an attempt to avoid creditors and continue scaming people out of their money. He also hopes that the NASD will not notice that the material being submitted is exactly the same as NF.
you got to give him one thing, he is consistant in his delusions.
insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.. send it again this time the NASD will probably approve it...
Look at the sample of the materials.
It says PUBLISHED by Javelin, and it says that it's copyrighted, but it does NOT say copyrighted by Javelin. That's because it was copyrighted by NF, a company that no longer exists. Seems to me that it's now public domain, unless the copyright, a valuable(?) asset, was fraudulently transferred. In other words, if you steal it, WHO will sue you????
Actually, Larry never bothered filing any of his products with the registrar of copyrights.
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