Monday, January 29, 2007
A former VP of NF Communications said...
"On behalf of all former NF employees, I hope that Klein is publicly exposed and punished for his criminal behavior. He has crossed the line and blatently committed fraud and grand larceny many times. He somehow believes he is above the law, but deserves to pay for his actions. All of those who have done business with and worked for him have had similar observations of his conduct, and would happily testify in court to his wrong doings. Let's hope he is prosecuted and we are all given a chance to give our testimony in court and help to put him in prison. Larry Klein is the most dishonest and immoral person I have ever met."
Anonymous said...
Hey, "Former VP...",
Nobody may have told you this...
You don't have to wait until someone else files charges... If you have first hand knowledge of the crimes that you refer to, you have a responsibility to the rest of us to walk into the District Attorney's office and lay out the facts.
Waiting for someone else to do it so that you can be called as a witness is.... well.... weak. -
January 29, 2007 at 7:06 PM
Anonymous said...
The Contra Costa DA can be notified about Klein's current or past activities by sending a written complaint with Larry Klein-NFcom/Javelin at the top of the letter. The complaint can be sent anonymously but all the detail you have Klein's fraudulent or otherwise criminal activities should be included. If they receive multiple individual complaints that would support prosecution.
Send the written complaint to:
Contra Costa DA
Attn: Kathy
627 Ferry Street
Martinez, CA 94553
Please spread this information around to any other blogs or discussion groups that may be interested. -
February 1, 2007 at 1:31 PM
Signed : A former VP of NF Commuications, proud to have been fired by Larry without cause for refusing to do his dirty work